Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Red Sox Social Media

Just one win away from the 2013 World Series Title, the Red Sox are trending on many different social media sites. Social media users are re-tweeting and sharing news stories on their Twitter and Facebook pages, and they are engaging on Instagram under the hashtags #redsox, #redsoxnation, #wintoday and #redsoxworldseries. This is a great way for Red Sox fans to interact with each other and create buzz about their beloved Boston Red Sox baseball team.

Here are two tweets from the Official Twitter account of the Boston Red Sox, @RedSox. 

The Boston Red Sox social media team has even updated the Facebook page cover photo specifically for tomorrow night's game 6: 

Here is a photo taken after their game 5 win in St. Louis. The post (posted just 12 hours ago) has engaged many Red Sox fans - it has already received 91,435 'likes', 14,402 shares, and over 1,500 comments. 

Why Blog?

Blogging is recently becoming more and more popular each day. Here's a list of the top reasons to join the blogosphere: 

1. To express your own thoughts and opinions. 
-If you have something to say, there are people online that will listen. 

2. To promote or marketing something. 
-Promote yourself, your product(s), or service(s) via your blog. 

3. To help others. 
-Start an advice column or offer advice on something relating to your expertise. 

4. To connect with others. 
-Find bloggers with similar interests and start conversations with them. 

5. Stay connected. 
-If you follow your friends and family, they will be able to see what you have been up to. Post photos and updates about yourself for them to see. 

6. It's free. 
-Trying to save money? Blogging is a free activity that allows you to have fun and be creative. 

Don't know what to blog about? Here's a list of the most commonly blogged about topics: 

1. Yourself or your business
2. Fashion & Style 
3. News & Current Events 
4. Food/Nutrition & Cooking 
5. Sports
6. Relationships 
7. Parenting 
8. Financial Advice 
9. Travel 
10. Animals & Pets 

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Tory Burch

Designer Tory Burch uses Instagram like any Instagram normal user. Rather than strictly posting pictures that represent the Tory Burch brand, she posts pictures of her everyday life. Users are able to see the designer as an average person, which in turn helps them relate to her and her products. 
Below, Tory posts a "selfie" picture just like the majority of today's Instagram users do. She also posts a picture of her children playing with their friends, just like most moms would. It is refreshing to see a well known designer using and posting photos on Instagram in the ways in which average people post. 

Below, the designer posts behind-the-scene photos from the red carpet and a company photo shoot. Although these Instagrams are not what you would see from the average Instagram user, fans love to see backstage content that is not available on the Tory Burch website and catalog. 
Additionally, with 327,000 followers, it is clear that Tory's fans appreciate her photos, which go above and beyond most designers who simply promote their products but posting pictures of their newest line. 

 Finally, the Instagram posts below are examples of photos Tory Burch posts from her travels. Her fans love her content without the Tory Burch brand perhaps even more than they love the content she posts of her products. Despite the fact that these photos do not directly promote her brand, users are reminded of the Tory Burch brand when they see these photos. Thus, the brand lingers in their minds - and as more than just another handbag and jewelry company.  

Monday, October 21, 2013

Dunkin' Donuts

Dunkin’ Donuts has just recently started using Instagram. The company has already acquired 69,000 followers and I believe this number will continue to rise. Dunkin' Donuts uses their Instagram account to start conversations with their customers and fans. For example, the two Instagrams below read, “Look at these two wrapping up their summer vacation! What was your favorite DDestination?” and “What’s the coolest place you have taken a #DDRoadTrip to this summer?” 

Both Instagrams encourage customers to interact with the brand by commenting on the posts. This is an effective way to use Instagram because Dunkin’ Donuts is doing more than just promoting its products. Additionally, by commenting and sharing their content, customers are actually engaging with the brand, which is more valuable than just 'liking' the picture. 

Dunkin’ Donuts also uses Instagram to offer promotions and contests. Here is an offer Dunkin' Donuts launched during National Sandwich Month. The company encourages users to post a picture of a homemade lunch with the hashtag #DDChicken for a chance to win a gift card. Again, Dunkin’ Donuts is inspiring their fans to be interactive with the DD brand via Instagram.

The third way DD uses their account is to remind their fans about the company. The Instagrams below read, “ Just a reminder to stop and smell the #DunkinDonuts.” and “Don’t forget #DunkinDonuts or sunblock this weekend!” Rather than overly push the product on to their consumers, DD leaves their customers thinking about DD with out being annoyed.

Monday, October 14, 2013


 The fashion forward retailer, Nordstrom treats their Instagram followers to behind the scene footage and  provide outstanding customer service via the online platform. 

When Nordstrom prepares to launch new products, they take advantage of the opportunity to let their loyal customers and fans view behind the scenes footage of photo shoots for the store's print ads.

Nordstrom also makes their Instagram followers feel special by letting them be the first to know about new products. Nordstrom posts exclusive previews (before the items even hit the website) just for Instagram followers. In addition, once Nordstrom posts pictures on their account, they still engage with consumers by answering their questions about product sizing, fit, item numbers, etc. 

Here, Nordstrom responded with in the hour to Instagram user yaaeellll's post asking how much the product was. Not only did the Nordstrom representative answer her question (on sale for $14), but, she also provided the item number for a similar bracelet.

Here are a few more examples of Nordstrom's excellent customer service via this social media platform: 

Nordstrom has created an effective Instagram account because they are active in responding to their customers and provide excellent customer service on the platform. This, combined with their behind the scene footage makes Nordstrom a social media marketing leader especially on Instagram.